
Showing posts from June, 2012

New HCAI Guidelines for submitting OCF-21

The Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) has issued new HCAI Guidelines for submitting OCF-21. According to the guideline, the OCF-21 invoice must indicate the OCF plan number to which it is associated. Please see the attached document release by HCAI and the HCAI May 2012 Update Release for a detailed description of changes effective July 1 2012 . HCAI System Unavailability The HCAI system will be unavailable from 5:01 p.m. (EST) June 29th, 2012 and is expected to resume active status at 8:00 a.m. (EST) July 3rd, 2012 . Every integrating Insurer and Health Care Facility must have all of their transactions successfully processed by 4:59 p.m. (EST) June 29th, 2012 if they are to be processed under the HCAI December 2011 Guideline. Summary of Changes HCAI key OCF21B_Plan_Document_Number is no longer in use. This key must be blank at all times. HCAI mapping to this key must be removed. HCAI Key OCF21B_PreviouslyApprovedGoddsAndServices_PlanNumber must be use...

SmartSimple... More than just software - Our first live video!

SmartSimple was founded in 2003 with a vision around what B2B collaboration might look like in the future – the future being about now actually. We certainly got something right but when all is said and done it is our clients who turned our concepts into a viable business – thanks everyone ! As more people around the world have become interested in what we are doing they want to know who we really are so we’ve put together a small video – who we are :) Take a peep.