Explaining SaaS for Enterprise: The difference between friending your BFF and your Mom
As was mentioned last installment, one of the primary benefits of adopting SaaS for enterprise involves the ability to connect from any device that can access the internet. On Facebook this means that you can stay connected to someone you met on vacation and in the enterprise space this means that you can connect and collaborate regardless of distance. Of course the first thing to note is that just because you can share doesn’t mean you should. This is clearly true regardless of context and in Facebook this is manifested in your privacy settings. Specifically you can choose to share posts with i) friends ii) friends of friends iii) everyone and you can even pick and choose groups or individual contacts to share with. So even if you do friend your mom, you can control what they see. In enterprise this is manifested with roles and permissions. In the case of Facebook, the only role is friend and it’s up to the individual users to define what a friend is on a case by case basis (or by ...