Discover the highlights of our May upgrade
Usability has been at the forefront of this upgrade. As part of our commitment to making the platform even quicker and easier to use, we’ve significantly cut down the time it takes to configure and make changes to your system. For end users, we’ve continued our priority focus on improving user experience on both desktop and mobile devices. User Experience Enhanced Settings pages With system administrators in mind, we’ve enhanced navigation on the ‘Settings’ pages so that choices are clearer and it’s easier to find exactly what you’re looking for. Here’s what you’ll notice: Need a particular setting? We’ve added a search function to the top right corner; Some menu options are reorganized and renamed - so finding what you need is straightforward; Lesser used settings are out of the way in the ‘Classic Options’ tab: Layout and navigation of a number of pages has been revamped for ease of use. Better usability for mobile device...