SmartSimple Heads South for the Florida Philanthropy Network Statewide Summit
Are you ready for a game changer? SmartSimple is excited to be attending Florida Philanthropic Network’s 2014 Statewide Summit on Philanthropy. This event will be held on January 30-31, 2014 in Orlando, Florida. The theme this year is game changers , new and interesting trends for Florida, and how philanthropy needs the best possible outcomes for their communities. SmartSimple will participate with representation from Todd Lapin ( Director of Strategic Accounts) to exhibit the power and flexibility of our grants management platform , GMS360°. To find out more about the Florida Philanthropic Network and their annual summit, please check out their official website or follow them on Twitter . Interested in setting up a meeting with us at this year’s FPN Statewide Summit? Wish to discuss how GMS360° can benefit your organization? Don't hesitate to reach us at 1-866-239-0991, email at , or visit our website .