How to Use PDFs Offline with SmartSimple
SmartSimple’s PDF blog series highlights the fantastic functionality that SmartSimple system users can enjoy around their uploaded PDFs. Each post in this series will take a look at a different feature that’s already built into your system!
Did you know that you can generate fillable PDFs in your SmartSimple system that you can download, fill in offline, and then use to populate data in your system?
This feature is called the PDF Parser, and it is especially useful for those in the following roles:
Did you know that you can generate fillable PDFs in your SmartSimple system that you can download, fill in offline, and then use to populate data in your system?
This feature is called the PDF Parser, and it is especially useful for those in the following roles:
- Applicants or reviewers using grant application forms in low-lying areas or regions with poor Internet connections.
- Program Offers who prefer to write recommendations in a form offline.
- C-Level or Board members who perform reviews and wish to not log into the system.
Generating the PDF
Open the Documents tab within any grant record in your
system. Clicking 'Open' will
generate a PDF that is pre-populated with client organization details.
An example of a PDF document in a grant record. |
Filling Out the PDF (Offline)
Even if you're working in an area with no Internet access, you can still fill out your PDF once it's been downloaded to your desktop.
Open the PDF from your desktop using the latest version of Adobe Reader. Every fillable area in the PDF corresponds to a matching field within your SmartSimple system.
When you've completed the fields, simply save your PDF file.
Uploading the PDF
Once you have Internet access again, you can re-upload your completed PDF back into your SmartSimple system.
Select the PDF Uploader in your portal to access the Application Basket. From here, simply drag and drop your completed PDF into the area.
Once uploaded, the Parser will run every 5 minutes and process the file. After being processed, your PDF will no longer appear under the list of uploaded PDFs once you refresh the page.
Additionally, the information entered in your PDF will be automatically entered into your system once it's been re-uploaded. For example, if you've uploaded a Site Visit PDF, a Level 2 record called "Site Visit" will be created with a "Submitted" status. The new Level 2 record will be populated with data that you've entered (e.g. summary, eligibility answers, evaluation, etc).
Want to know more about the PDF Parser? Visit our official Wiki page, main website, or contact us at Check back later for more entries in our PDF blog series!
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